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Vocation: Discovering the Riches of the Past Part 2

Making Connections: Discovering the Riches of the Past/Part 2

Join us for dinner and the second of two presentations by Dave Moore. Dave started Two Cities Ministries in 1998, a ministry that seeks to equip Christians to better understand and articulate their faith. To that end he seeks to accomplish four things in his work: Addressing sacred cows, creating attractive media for seeing in fresh ways, maintaining hope in a cynical age and lastly engaging issues with civility and courage.

The title of this mini series carries a double meaning.  I first invite fellow Christians to “connect” to our rich history.  There is much to learn.  A continual study (and our study of the past should be lifelong!) makes one less vulnerable to whatever fads are in vogue at the time.  Studying history offers wisdom for every imaginable situation we encounter under the sun.  Studying the past puts us in contact with people whose handling of their own challenges supplies needed perspective for our own.  So the first sense of “connect” is growing in our awareness of the past.
The other sense of “connect” I have in mind is the “aha moment” which occurs when we begin to “connect the dots” between various events.