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Undergrad Dinner and Bible Study

Paul leads the new church in untangling themselves from their former way of life.....

such as:

Blessed are you when you feel good about yourself.

  Blessed are the winners, movers, and go getters for they shall overwhelm the earth.

  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for success for they will get there first.

  Blessed are those who laugh now for life is a joke and meant for fun and entertainment.

  Blessed are those with youth, beauty, and power for they don’t have to think too deeply to get along.

  Blessed are the double minded for they can play all the angles and hedge their bets in this world.

  Blessed are the troublemakers for they shall experience their own power.

  Blessed are the wishful-thinkers for they can believe all problems are small and manageable.

  Blessed are the popular for they can win the approval of fools in high places. (Dick Keyes)